rstudioapi - Safely Access the RStudio API
Access the RStudio API (if available) and provide informative error messages when it's not.
Last updated 4 months ago
18.81 score 172 stars 2.1k dependents 3.6k scripts 767k downloadsrenv - Project Environments
A dependency management toolkit for R. Using 'renv', you can create and manage project-local R libraries, save the state of these libraries to a 'lockfile', and later restore your library as required. Together, these tools can help make your projects more isolated, portable, and reproducible.
Last updated 4 days ago
18.54 score 1.0k stars 114 dependents 1.5k scripts 450k downloadsRcppParallel - Parallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'
High level functions for parallel programming with 'Rcpp'. For example, the 'parallelFor()' function can be used to convert the work of a standard serial "for" loop into a parallel one and the 'parallelReduce()' function can be used for accumulating aggregate or other values.
Last updated 1 months ago
14.89 score 173 stars 790 dependents 215 scripts 129k downloadsrex - Friendly Regular Expressions
A friendly interface for the construction of regular expressions.
Last updated 12 months ago
14.17 score 335 stars 95 dependents 178 scripts 217k downloadssourcetools - Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code
Tools for Reading, Tokenizing and Parsing R Code.
Last updated 2 years ago
11.77 score 78 stars 1.8k dependents 32 scripts 433k downloadsRcppRoll - Efficient Rolling / Windowed Operations
Provides fast and efficient routines for common rolling / windowed operations. Routines for the efficient computation of windowed mean, median, sum, product, minimum, maximum, standard deviation and variance are provided.
Last updated 8 months ago
10.89 score 82 stars 63 dependents 1.8k scripts 28k downloadsdotty - The Unpacking Dot Operator
Provides a `.` object which can be used for unpacking assignments. For example, `.[rows, columns] <- dim(cars)` could be used to pull the number of rows and number of columns from `dim(cars)` into individual variables `rows` and `columns` in a single step.
Last updated 21 days ago
5.51 score 43 stars 1 dependents 5 scripts 457 downloads